Main office: 0151 933 6393


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Complaints Procedure


Complaints matter for everyone using our service, who deserve an explanation when things go wrong. They matter because every concern or complaint is an opportunity to improve.

We aim to provide a high quality of customer service to all our customers.

Our Commitment

We will always strive to:

  • Put the needs of our customers first
  • Promote equality and diversity and treat ALL customers with respect
  • Be friendly, approachable and professional at all times
  • Answer your query at first point of contact wherever possible
  • Deal with and learn from any complaints and queries
  • Preserve your privacy
  • Provide accessible information about the services we provide

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when a customer tells us that they are not happy with something that we have done or not done, and we have not put things right.

Who is a customer?

A customer is anyone who contacts Asset Training to request a service, or is in receipt of a service.

Asset Training is committed to providing the best possible service that we can. We recognise that sometimes customers will feel the need to complain about the service they have received.

We encourage feedback from all customers, including complaints and have developed a Complaints Policy and an associated Complaints Procedure. Our Complaints Policy explains our robust approach to handling all complaints.


Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd Complaints Policy and associated Procedure will be readily available to customers. Together, they detail how to make a complaint and the timescales for a response from our company.


Asset Training aims to resolve complaints quickly, fairly and effectively. We will;

  • Aim to put things right in a timely manner for our customers when they go wrong
  • Keep our customers informed of the progress of their complaint and the results of any investigations
  • Seek to learn from each complaint to improve future performance
  • Advise our customers of their right to complain to the Education Skills Funding Agency if they remain dissatisfied after their complaint has been dealt with through the companies procedure

How Can a Complaint be made?

Any customer wishing a complaint can do so, by phone, e-mail, via social networks, website and by sending a letter.

Email –
Phone – 0151 933 6393
Website – Asset Training Ltd Apprenticeships & Training Provider In Liverpool – click the contact us link
Social networks – Asset Training – Home | Facebook Asset Training (@AssetLiverpool) / Twitter Asset Training (@assetliverpool) Instagram photos and videos
Letter – Asset Training, First Floor, St Hughs House, L20 3QQ


Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd is committed to continuous improvement in the service delivery. Our service standards for complaints are:

  • We will make it easy and straightforward for you to make a complaint.
  • We will respond to your complaint in the published timescales and keep you informed.
  • We will ensure you have a full explanation to your complaint in your preferred format.
  • Asset will look at all complaints to learn from them and use this platform to make future improvements.

The Senior Management team will review all complaints at their regular meetings.

We will review our Complaints Policy and Procedure at regular intervals.


  • The Senior Management Team and all those in managerial or supervisory roles are responsible for developing and encouraging good customer care handling practice within their teams.
  • Compliance with Customer Complaints Policy is the responsibility of all members of the Company who deal with customers.


Our Customer Complaints Policy is available in hard copy. Please contact our office on 0151 933 6393 if you access this document in another format.
Training is provided for all staff to ensure awareness is raised and staff have a clear understanding of customer complaints and their responsibilities

Equality & Diversity

Customers have the right to express dissatisfaction with the services they receive from Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd. Customers using this policy can expect to be treated fairly and without discrimination.

The Company has an Equality and Diversity Policy that covers all aspects of equalities. This policy has been subject to an Equality Impact Assessment. The company will ensure that this policy is accessible to all customers and service users.


If you are unhappy with the service provided by Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd – whether it is the learning experience, assessment, the support you are receiving or about staff or the organisation itself. Asset Training promise to take your complaint seriously and confidentially. We also aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.

If you have a complaint about any decision that Asset Training have taken that affects you – for example, if you feel you have been unfairly assessed, or you disagree with a decision in relation to your Learner experience, you should use the Appeals Procedures. For all other issues and Grievances, use this Complaints Procedure.

We are always pleased to receive feedback whether they are compliments or complaints because they help us improve the service we provide. We’re also interested in your ideas for improving our services. We use the information you give only to develop and improve the services delivered. Passing on personal information about you is protected by the GDPR

If you want to complain, here’s what you can do.

The complaint should in the first instance be raised with the staff member involved, as they may be able to resolve the issue immediately. You should raise your complaint within 3 months of the event or problem occurring

At any stage a formal complaint can be communicated by telephone, letter or email. As much information should be given as possible including times, dates, places and names. The contact details are below for Asset Training & Consultancy Ltd.

You will get a first response within one week of receipt of your complaint, and a further full response within four weeks, following investigation if needed. We will inform you of the name of the person who is dealing your complaint.

There is a final stage that you can go through if you are still not satisfied after appealing to the Senior Management Team. You can appeal to the Skills Funding Agency by completing their online form – Contact the Department for Education – Contact type – DFE Online Forms

However, the Skills Funding Agency won’t handle your complaint unless you have tried all the other routes first.

Stages of complaint

  • Informal
  • Formal stage 1
  • Formal stage 2
  • Outcome
British Values

Asset Training is committed to following governmental principles on British Values throughout the provision, these are:


Individual Liberty.
The freedom to live as you wish and go where you want.
Helping you to making informed choices.
Taking responsibility for your choices and exercising them safely.
Making sure you know your rights.


Rule of Law.
Fairness in the way people are dealt with.
Exploring the laws that govern and protect us.
Understanding the consequences if these rules are broken.
Considering that these may be different from religious laws.


The belief in freedom and equality between people.
A broad general knowledge & respect of public institutions and services.
Helping you to influence decision-making through the democratic process.
Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of democracy.


Mutual Respect.
Tolerance of those with different respects and beliefs.
Understanding how your behaviour has an effect on your own rights and those of others.
Respecting other people’s differences, other cultures and ways of life.
Challenging prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.

Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity

At Asset Training we are proud of the diversity of our staff & learners we utilise this in order to develop and inspire innovation and creativity throughout our programmes.

We aim to provide a stimulating and enriching educational experience for all of our learners, which enables them to reach their full potential and develop a range of skills in preparation for employment and other opportunities for progression.

We are committed to building an inclusive and safe learning and working environment where the values of respect and tolerance are at the heart of the company.

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment in our learning or workplace environments.

We are constantly work towards best practice in promoting and celebrating equality and diversity.

Our equality and diversity policy can be found here.

Safeguarding and Prevent

What is Safeguarding?

Asset Training are committed in ensuring that all learners and staff are kept safe and protected from harm.

The government provides statutory guidance to Independent Training Providers on what they need to do to achieve this. We adhere to all guidance and pride ourselves on providing an exceptional service to make Asset Training a safe, secure, happy and thriving environment for all. Everyone is treated with respect and dignity and feels safe and listened to.

In our last OFSTED inspection 2016 safeguarding in Asset Training was judged to be ‘effective’ by the inspection team.

You can view our safeguarding policy here.

What is Prevent?

Part of Asset Trainings safeguarding requirements also includes protecting vulnerable individuals from the risk of radicalisation and extremism. This is called the ‘Prevent Duty’. Prevent is a government initiative aimed at stopping people becoming involved with, or supporting violent extremism.

The government has defined extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”. Asset Training shares and promotes these values across all areas.

What we do as a Provider

  • Have a clear policy and procedures in place.
  • Employ a lead Safeguarding officer other staff with designated responsibility.
  • Ensure all of our staff and partners working for, or on behalf of Asset Training, are suitable to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults, carrying out all the relevant checks.
  • Actively encourage learners, staff and partners to raise any concerns they have.
  • Take all concerns seriously, act upon them, and offer full support both through Asset Training and specialist services.
  • Train all of our staff in safeguarding at a level appropriate to their role on an ongoing basis.
  • Deliver safeguarding sessions as part of learning and development.

How do you report a concern?

If you are worried about yourself or someone you know in Asset Training please speak to any member of staff. They will ensure you get the help and support you need from a specialist staff member.

There are some examples below of issues that would come under safeguarding. Further information on these issues can be found on the NCPCC website.

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect
  • Bullying – including online/cyber bullying
  • Children missing education
  • Child sexual exploitation
  • Domestic violence
  • Drugs
  • Faith abuse
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  • Forced Marriage
  • Gangs and youth violence
  • Mental Health
  • Preventing radicalisation
  • Relationship abuse
  • Sexting
  • Trafficking

We will not tolerate any criminal activity or breaches of our statutory duties and obligations. We expect a high standard of integrity and good faith and you can expect this from us. If you report any protected wrong-doing, we will ensure that you are protected from detriment including repercussions from reporting.

Reporting Wrongdoing

In the first instance you may wish to raise the matter with your manager on an informal basis and discuss what steps should be taken to report the matter to a senior management. You may at any time raise the matter formally with your manager or senior manager, whether orally or in writing.

If your concern is about your manager or someone at a higher level of management then you should feel free to raise the matter with whoever you consider to be the appropriate level of management or external body.

At all stages, all statements that you make will remain confidential unless you give us permission or it becomes necessary to disclose these during the course of an investigation.

A complaint about wrongdoing may lead to us carrying out an investigation into the allegations of wrongdoing. You will be kept informed and you will be protected by us to ensure that your work environment is not affected due to your complaint. We will keep you informed of the outcome of any investigation action taken where this is appropriate in the circumstances.

If you have any concern or complaint about how you feel you are being treated due to the complaint you have raised, whether by the alleged wrongdoer or any other employee, you should raise this immediately with whatever level of management you consider to be appropriate so that steps can be taken to protect you.

If you are unhappy with the handling of the complaint or you do not believe it was properly investigated then you should raise this immediately with whatever level of management you consider appropriate.

At all times our intention is to resolve the allegations and take action against substantiated allegations. However, we will report wrongdoing to appropriate regulatory and enforcement bodies if we consider that this necessary.

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If you have any questions regarding our service then please contact us..

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